Tasks and activities 

Group for financial affairs performs tasks related to the financial operations of the Directorate; planning and execution of the budget of the Directorate and preparation of the financial plan of the Directorate and its implementation; monitoring and implementation of legal, purposeful, and economical spending of budget funds; monitoring the dynamics of inflow and outflow of funds; analysis of costs movements; direct cooperation with the authorized services of the Ministry of Finance; preparation of professional bases for drafting the regulations that determine the fees; preparation of budget execution reports; bookkeeping tasks and maintaining auxiliary books and records; monitoring the regulations of financial operations of users of budget funds as well as regulations in the field of accounting and finance; preparation of decisions and requests to the Treasury Administration for payment of funds; control of payments, as well as other activities in this area.


Head of the group 
Vesna Stojanović
phone:  011 20 24 433
fax: 011 21 81 668
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Directorate of Measures and Precious Metals
Group for financial affairs
Mike Alasa 14
11158 Belgrade
Republic of Serbia

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