The Association of European Assay Offices (AEAO) was founded in 1991 with the task of creating a forum for analysis services in the European Union, which discusses the harmonization of testing and stamping of precious metals. The aim of the Association is to provide communication with the European Commission on issues of common interest. The AEAO is a voluntary association that provides a forum for the exchange of technical information and a circular analysis system that includes analysis services in countries that are not signatories to the Convention on the control and stamping of precious metals.

The Federal office for measures and precious metals signed a Memorandum of Understanding and became a member of the Association of European services for the analysis of precious metals (AEAO) on June 12th, 2002

The International Association of assay affices (IAAO) was founded in 2008 in London as the successor to the AEAO. The IAAO has 47 members from 37 countries, including the Directorate for measures and precious metals.

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