The Contracting States, in order to solve technical and administrative problems that arise in the use of standards at the international level, and being aware of the importance of coordinating their forces, have agreed to establish the International organization for legal metrology. The Convention establishing the International organization of legal metrology (OIML) was signed on the 12th of October in1955 in Paris, and Yugoslavia was among the 24 signatory states. Today, this intergovernmental organization has 115 members, of which 57 are member states and 58 are corresponding members. The Republic of Serbia is a member state of the International organization for legal metrology.
The International organization of legal metrology consists of the following sub-organizations: the International conference on legal metrology, the International committee on legal Metrology, the International Bureau of legal metrology (BIML), technical committees, and subcommittees.
The Institute for measures and precious metals signed the Declarations of mutual confidence (DoMCs) for R 60 Measuring transducers and R 76 Non-automatic scales and became a participant in the mutual acceptance Arrangement of the International organization of legal metrology (IAA) on September 7th,2006. The Declaration of mutual confidence (DoMC) for R 49 Water meters for measuring cold drinking water and hot water as a participant in the IAA was signed by the Directorate for measures and precious metals on November 7th, 2007.